Hyperoptic – Total Wifi

London has surprisingly low WI-FI speeds and Hyperoptic are out there trying to fix that. But it’s a hugely competitive market and there messaging and visuals have to stand up against the likes of Virgin, Sky and BT. No problem, we’ve got this. This time round the campaign was focused on spreading the word of their Total WI-FI upgrade package that ensures you get the same speeds wherever you are in your home.

The Brief

The challenging part of this project was that Total Wi-Fi was an upgrade package so we couldn’t lead with the usual ‘high speeds’ narrative as that has been the headline to their entry level product. We worked hard on both the copy and visuals to express that this was something that was just too good not to have. Tempting people into something that in truth, they probably thought they should of had in the first place.

The Process

First up were a range of online focus groups, covering a range of geographies and mixing current customers with possible customers. From these we could hone in on the right tone of voice for the copy and build on that with the creation of an ownable visual design. This concept grow out from existing brand elements and expanded into it’s own look and feel.

Focus groups

Putting in the ground work to ensure
we understand our audience.

Campaign narrative

The headline was written to feel like Total WI-FI was the icing on the cake. The cake still tastes good without it but who doesn’t love icing!

Core visual

We created different visuals depending on the area the campaigns was focused. The concept was that hyper fast broadband was being poured over the properties.

A wide spectrum of assets meant we could visualise the messages in a variety of ways, mix in a range of story lines and keep the campaign fresh.

Exploring humour

As the campaign went on ‘humour levels’ were dialled up a touch to ensure the audeince wasn’t over saturated. We moved on from every room to everyone!

The Result

In truth it’s not always easy for us to get the actual numbers from our clients for obvious reasons. That said they were very happy with the campaign, from the messaging to the wide range of assets, and we all know the client is always right. Our last job was to supply their marketing team with a campaign bible and all artworks to put the plan into action.